Jim Fogarty–Psychologist

“A great read. A researcher has written a memoir that reads like a novel. This is a book about deep friendships and how they do and don’t develop. We learn about the author’s family and how family dynamics produced a sensitive caring individual, then an academic...

Andrew Bruun

“A New York Jew sharing an outhouse with a black widow spider at Joshua Tree Monument; a distinguished Professor of Politics wearing a Kleenex box as a hat; Bob’s Beef Buffet and Boysville of Michigan – This is a diverse and compelling tale of Epstein’s...

Ami Gantt, MSW, PhD.

“This is a book that transcends the personal and the professional while wittily and poignantly evoking the meaning of what is true closeness between male colleagues and friends. It is a joy to read and ponder.”

Glenn Bowes

“Initially, I anticipated a more scholarly qualitative analysis of the book’s key messages towards the end—some guidance for living a ‘good life’ amongst men friends. I was delighted that this was not the case. So many of we Emeritus Professors feel obliged chisel in...

Sarah Jones, psychotherapist, author.

“Epstein’s book is so vivid, so exquisite at times, that it feels more like observing Scorsese’s film, ‘My Voyage to Italy’ than reading a memoir. But his voyages go beyond Rome in time and space. Boyhood, family, friendships found and lost – the...